Merry Christmas from Roach, MO! We spent our first Christmas here at the MTC … just the 4 of us enjoying being together and enjoying the day. It was lazy. It was full of laughter and good food. It was memory filled. We even took some time outside to take a few pictures. It was that nice of a day! Thank you, Lord!
Our first semester at the MTC has come and gone. Wow! Where do I even start to tell you of the lessons God had prepared for us who “put our trust in Him”? We came as the veteran missionaries ready to help and guide the candidates, but God had so much to teach our hearts. Being a student is a life long process for sure! Craig and I are both so very thankful to be here and even more thankful for the lessons, and patience, God is bringing us through. We look forward to what He has for us next semester.
Cheyenne made us proud with her what seemed so easy adjustment to Camdenton High School. She was bumped up to 2 honors classes (math and geography) mid semester and is holding her own grade wise very confidently….