The Lord has laid it upon our hearts to be apart of tribal mission. We desire to serve the Lord where ever He wants us. Do to some medical conditions we are not able to spend large amounts of time in a remote location. The Lord has led us to be involved in the Interface program equipping the Saints and getting people excited about tribal missions.
What are our responsibilities?
Danny helps with campus maintains and development. Which means he has his hands in just about everything, Danny oversees:
The Saw Mill (we make our own lumber)
Maintenance of 7 trucks, 4 4-wheelers, and 2 tractors
Maintaining plenty of lawn mowers
2 Big Generators (we make our own electricity)
Overseeing employees for the neighboring villages Plumbing
House Repairs
Tammy – Although Tammy is very busy caring care of Adonai, she is also the ITF Social Coordinator, sometime she is able to help out in the kitchen during programs and wherever else she may be needed. She also tries to spend time getting to know ladies from the neighboring villages as she continues to learn more culture & language from them.
During the INTERFACE (ITF) programs we spend a lot of time with the students, encouraging them in their walk with the LORD, also answering questions and helping them to see what missions is all about.