Dear PRAYing family and friends,
Thank you so very much for your prayers for us this past month! The Lord’s hand has been at work through those prayers. Praying for missionaries is not just about praying for their “projects” or the people they minister to and work with. We need prayer for our spiritual needs as much as anything. The thing that I’ve most needed prayer for this month is for the sin of pride in my life. Did you pray for me in that area? The Holy Spirit has been convicting me that I need to continue to learn humility. It has been a recurring theme lately in my daily time with God, in lessons being studied at church and has come up at other random times as well. It’s easy to think, “Oh, pride again! Everyone has to deal with that!” But that kind of flippant attitude is not serious about rooting out sinful attitudes that rear their ugly head in our lives from day to day. Pride shows itself in my life when I selfishly focus on my own needs, take glory from God when someone pats me on the back, thinking, “Yeah, I did that, didn’t I?” Instead of humbly realizing that I can’t do anything without GOD! And it takes shape in many other ways as well. So, thank you for praying for my walk with the Lord day by day, my dependence on Him and my spiritual growth and maturity as His Word changes my heart and mind!
This month has been very busy and the next couple of months will also be kind of crazy so don’t be surprised if you only get a hurry-up kind of update from us, maybe in the form of a list of prayer requests. My tickets for my trip to West Kalimantan August 22 – September 24 are all arranged and paid for! Almost all of the details of our upcoming scripture translation check are becoming clearer. I will be spending 2 days in Singapore for medical checkups and tests, before heading on to West Kalimantan and interior for a week to reconnect with my team. Oke and I have been working very hard these past couple of months on content checking our drafts, Oke with the narrative passages and my psalms and proverbs and other OT verses. We may have more prepared than we’ll be able to check with our teams. Here is a prayer request: that Oke and I will not be so focused on checking scripture that we’ll miss out on opportunities the Lord brings our way to disciple others.
Oke has not been feeling well so she may need to get some medical advice this month. Please pray for her healing. Another dear co-worker of ours is very sick and in the hospital right now so we’d like prayer for her as well.
One more thing, I am going on a short term mission trip this coming week. This is a new thing for me. I have never been on a short term mission trip and I truly want to pitch in and do what I can to be a blessing to some of the missionaries our church supports. Please pray for me and for mom and dad as they keep things going here at home.
Praise & Prayer Requests:
- Praise that the Lord continues to teach my heart valuable truths for life
- Praise that my tickets are all bought and paid for
- Praise for the careful preparation that our consultant has made on the verses that he will check
- Pray for all of the details of my travel to West Kalimantan August 22 – September 24
- Pray for Oke’s healing and another one of our team members who is in the hospital
- Pray for wisdom as Oke and I are content checking Old Testament portions
- Pray for the new families arriving on the field very soon
- Pray for complete dependence on the Lord in our lives
Thank you humbly for your partnership in the gospel,
Darcy Berglund for Ron & Nita Berglund too
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