Agutaynen children eagerly watch Darryl repair our rental house. They like having their pictures taken.
A new beginning! In 1992, we enrolled in the four year missionary training program of New Tribes Mission now known as Ethnos360! In 1997, we began a church planting ministry in Papua New Guinea! In 2009, we began a NTM Guest House Ministry in the Philippines. And now, 26 years later, in March 2018, we start all over again! A new beginning serving the Lord with the Agutaynens in the Philippines!
Jonathan,Stephen, Abigail, Rebekah, Ginger, Luke!
We will join Stephen and Ginger’s family in a support role as coworkers. We are blessed to be able to serve the Lord alongside our children and grandchildren. Please pray for them during this transitional period as they returned to the Philippines leaving Rebekah in the States…now at Grace Bible College.
The fully loaded Moving Truck going 145 kilometers north! We are thankful for a safe arrival on some “not so safe” roads! Answered prayer!

The “woman” at the well! We pray she will find the Living Water.
Installing a water pump but not much water pressure yet!

Sports Bible Club 2017 Teams! Please pray for 2018 preparations. We are expecting about 70 kids from 12-17 year old. Boys will learn basketball skills. Girls will learn volleyball skills.
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