An animistic worldview brings adherents face-to-face with some pretty stark stuff. Imagine a mother birthing twins and then throwing them away. That’s pretty stark, isn’t it? You see, it is forbidden in some cultures to permit twin babies to live as twins are considered a bad prognostication of the spirits. You’re probably thinking ‘how horrid a practice.’ Yeah, it is… but it is the only world view such people have been handed. I wonder if this is a result of the scattering at Babel when the language was confounded and people were scattered throughout the earth –something to think about.
In one sense it seems such a blatant attitude towards life but on the flip side of thinking, life is highly regarded by these very ones who implement the afore mentioned practice. For instance, if a child dies at birth or sometime down the road, a mother will chop off a finger as a sign to show her grief. Although the loss of a child or any loved one for that matter is a difficult thing for us, we would never think of chopping off a finger, but these folks do.
So what’s the point I’m trying to make?
The point is that there are many such people groups living throughout the world today who are totally unaware that there is a creator God who offers a better worldview than such radical thinking as demonstrated amongst the unreached peoples of the world. They do not know because they have never heard. …And the reason they never heard is because no one has come to tell them.
We are in the business of equipping and sending those who will declare the story of God to such ones living beyond the reach of the gospel… or as we say in New Tribes, ‘Reaching tribes; Changing lives.’
Joyce and I continue pouring our lives into mentoring young couples and individuals with expressed interest of turning the tide in making a difference in people’s worldview by bringing them God’s story of the Bible. We seek out those who have a heart for the Lord and want to invest their lives for God’s glory in taking God’s story to the millions still unreached for Christ.
Your partnership in ministry allows us to continue on, seeing God raise up Harvest laborers… those who will carry on the effort to get the gospel to every tribe, language, people and nation. We want to thank you for your prayers, for your kind words of encouragement, and for your practical gifts of support. Will you now ask the Lord to open continued doors of opportunity for us to impact those who will ‘go?’
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