Let me introduce you to my friends, the Wolgemuth’s from Lititz Pennsylvania. Tim and Tina met and married more than 15 years ago. Coming from strong Christian backgrounds, they both grew up with an interest in missions and were willing to go anytime at God’s bidding. Meanwhile, they settled into family life and a career while embracing ministry outreach in their local church until stumbling onto an opportunity to fill a vital role at Ethnos360.
For many, serving in missions carries the idea of living remotely in some forlorn corner of the world, and rightly so, as that is where many of the world’s unengaged people live. But in order for a church planting team to function in such locations it takes a network of others serving in numerous vital roles to keep our teams going.
One such role we are desperate to fill is in the area of technology. With Tim’s background as an I.T. Engineer and with a deep desire to use his gifts and abilities to impact nations while servicing our organization’s network needs, we are very happy to welcome the Wolgemuth’s into the mission family.
Tim comes with twenty-five years’ experience as an I.T. engineer. Walking away from such a career with a comfortable salary in today’s world seems to be a foolish idea although the eternal investment of their lives will far outweigh any value of things earthly. But there is a hurdle…
Tim and Tina and the kids are needed at our headquarters in Sanford Florida January 2019. Presently, they are at 30% of their needed support. Humanly speaking it does not seem possible for them to garner the additional 70% of funds needed, although with God all things are possible.
As I sat with Tim & Tina over lunch I was impressed with the hopefulness they share as they look forward to serving. …And yet I could feel the deep pain in their hearts that financially they may not make it. But then hope was awakened as I thought of the bigger picture and God’s desire to get the gospel to every ethnos of the world. God certainly is able to do what we think impossible, and so we stand with Tim & Tina in prayer believing God will do according His desire to provide for them to serve.
Will you join us in prayer for them? …And would you consider how God might have you play a role of provision for them to serve? Here’s commending Tim & Tina and the family unto the Lord.
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