I would assume most individuals reading this newsletter have heard of the incredibly extravagant generosity of God but perhaps never stated in such expressive words. Maybe you’re thinking “What’s that?”
We throw around words like mercy and grace, sometimes without ever pondering their deeper meaning. Well today while reading one of the many English translations I have of the Bible I came upon these stimulating words… the incredibly extravagant generosity of God.
Wow, it felt like every book on the shelves came tumbling down upon me and buried me beneath an avalanche of fresh awareness. –Not an avalanche of mere human words and understanding, but a new perspective on the magnificent outpouring of God’s grace.
Ah, grace… that simple little five-lettered word we often take for granted. It was in Acts 20 where I saw the grace of God encased in a phrase with such depth of meaning. The gospel itself is a compelling message but it becomes even more impacting when you consider the actors in the provision of salvation. …And in ‘acting’ I am not talking playwright or theater.
You see, long before the creation of the world God thought out a redemptive plan for mankind. God knew Adam & Eve would mess up the command to ‘be fruitful and multiply, and fill the the earth.’ That is to say, God’s desire in creation wasn’t merely to place a couple in a garden He created, but to give them purpose in reproducing godly offspring –fill the earth with the same kind. God desired fellowship and communion with those He created though Adam & Eve failed in that task as everyone of us were birthed in sin due to their fall.
So here I stand as one forgiven, my sin covered by the blood Jesus shed on the cross. …And standing not only as a forgiven one, but by believing His death, burial and resurrection I now stand as a redeemed one bought back by the incredibly extravagant generosity of God. Moreover, I possess the promise of a heavenly home in the very presence of Jesus. Now that’s extravagant generous grace!
As a recipient of that grace, the beloved apostle Paul declared in Acts 20:24 “What matters most to me is to finish what God started: the job the Lord Jesus gave to me of letting everyone I meet know all about this incredibly extravagant generosity of God.”
Do you feel a sense of gratitude and duty when you read those words? I do. Jesus himself punched up this thought when He said “All authority is given me on heaven and on earth.” And then He said “because of this authority –the power of God, I am commanding you to go and make disciples (followers) among all nations.” That’s not talking about countries and counties and towns… that’s talking about the ethnic peoples of the world. Think of that… we get the privilege of letting others know about Jesus.
We continue looking for those who will make it their aim in joining the thousands of missionaries who are declaring this message to those living in areas of the world without a gospel witness. …And in so doing, I believe we can hasten the Lord’s return as we are faithful to declare the gospel… the incredibly extravagant generosity of God to all mankind.
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