Yes, you heard correctly…
NINE days of back-to-back mission engagement with a variety of age groups from young to old –all in one church. It was exhilarating!
Missions in worship; missions in Sunday school classes; missions in youth groups; missions with college-age; missions with families; missions with middle-age; missions with seniors; missions with men’s groups; missions with ladies groups; missions in home meetings and even a missions street faire. On and on it went for nine straight days!
It is encouraging to see a church so focused on what God is doing among the unreached peoples of the world. …But we also see ‘the other side of the coin’ where there is little to no missions involvement at all. We often hear…
“Our church supports missions but we have
never done anything missions-related
for our church… Can you help us?”
I cannot tell you how many times I’ve heard this across the years of our mission-mobilization efforts. It is hard to imagine that there are churches that support missions but have never had a mission’s conference or a mission’s emphasis weekend.
Some churches told us that they have never even met the missionaries they support, nor do they know what they do. How can you support something when you don’t know what they do or who they represent? Moreover, how do you pray for such ones or participate in their work?
We come alongside churches to assist them in getting acquainted with those they support as well as putting together a missions emphasis weekend or a conference. People need to be informed in order to be engaged in God’s work around the globe. We go to work for you by contacting your missionaries, no matter who they serve with, and then we put together a presentation overview to acquaint you with them. If they are on home assignment we will involve them in such a gathering.
Our goal is to encourage regular and ongoing communication between the church and the missionary. …But our primary concern in connecting churches with missions is much more than praying for and supporting missions; we want to see churches become senders, just as Jesus commands us to do. You see, the growth of the church is dependent on multiplication… and what better way to grow the church than to have a direct impact through missions!
Perhaps your church is already entrenched in making a global impact through the missionaries whom you support. That’s fantastic! However, we are here to assist you, too.
We bring a fresh focus of God’s heart for the world through biblically focused messages and we show you what it takes to make a lasting impact among those being reached with the gospel. We show you the nuts & bolts of missions –the practical stuff you otherwise would never get to see.
We’ve got fast-paced interactive presentations geared for specific audiences: kids, teens, college age and adults. Oh, and we lead vision treks to some of these places as well as point you to an invigorating missions retreat for your church.
If you would like some help to establish a deeper mission’s focus or if you are in need of help with planning a conference or missions weekend, we would be happy to help you. Please reach out to us at our contact information listed on the Ethnos360 website –click the ‘FIND A REPRESENTATIVE’ tab and scroll down to our info.
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