Visit to SM Land for Culture & Language Check
Well, it’s been almost a month since I traveled to SM land with our culture/language consultant, Sergio, who did an evaluation of our co-workers’ progress in their culture/language acquisition. The people reminded me a lot of the W where I grew up—and our time was very profitable. I was also able to help our co-workers […]

Refreshment on Home Assignment
Since late July we have been in Turlock, California, where we will spend the remainder of our home assignment/furlough until we return to Brazil on December 29, 2012.

Kerns Transition to Home Assignment for 6 1/2 Months
Another year has ended at the PQQ school for missionary children in Brazil where we serve. We had 8 graduates, a top-notch group of young people who really desire to serve the Lord.
What a joy to invest in the lives of MKs while their parents reach tribal people and other Brazilians in the interior of Brazil with the Gospel of Jesus Christ!
During our first four years at PQQ, Angie had a full-time job at home with our growing family of crumb snatchers. She still assisted in whatever ways she could, generally with the kids following behind her. :o)
I (David) taught and coached in grades 5-12 and helped supervise the evangelistic ...