Another year has ended at the PQQ school for missionary children in Brazil where we serve. We had 8 graduates, a top-notch group of young people who really desire to serve the Lord.

Please pray for them as they head out to the challenges of their summer jobs, college, and further equipping for a life of service to the Lord.
Presently, we are back here in the US for our home assignment/furlough time. After flying into Miami on June 11, we picked up a rental minivan, which we are driving to Missouri where we will pick up our own minivan and continue across the US visiting ministry partners and friends. Our return to Brazil is scheduled for December 29, 2012. We’re grateful to the Lord for the safety He’s given us in our travels to this point.

The first part of June was a flurry of activity for us. Angie and the kids remained at PQQ to pack things up and clean our house in preparation for our time in the US. I traveled to Manaus to participate in 5 full days of field leadership meetings. Wow! The needs are great in Brazil for more workers among the tribes and support centers and in culture/language and translation consultation. Of course, we at PQQ also need more staff and faculty. Please continue to pray the Lord of the harvest to send more laborers into the harvest field.

Many of you heard of the Amazon River’s rising so high. It peaked well above the 2009 record. The water just touched the corner foundation of our house. At night with a steady breeze blowing off the river, we enjoyed the sound of the waves lapping (or crashing, if ship waves) on the outside of our bedroom wall. Thankfully, no water seeped through the walls and up through the floor into our house. We were happy to see the river begin to recede before we left to return to the US.
Currently, we are in Mississippi and heading to Missouri tomorrow. Thank you for your prayers for safety and for opportunities to share regarding the ministry in Brazil.

Be encouraged in Him today.
In Christ,
David & Angie, Aaron, Aleah, Dayton, and Derek
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