Dear Friends,

Summer has come and gone and much has happened. We built a new school room onto our house. With assistance from a work team from Calvary Church of Los Gatos in California we were able to finish the addition quickly. What a blessing it is. The school room is filled with activity nearly every day. In the mornings it is school-time. Shari is teacher and has gotten into a good schedule home-schooling Esther and Simon. She still has time in the afternoons for language study which is an answer to prayer.

Immediately following the completion of the school room, David’s family arrived for a visit. Mom and Dad Ogg as well as David’s sister, Ginger, all came out to the bush for a week to see our home and ministry. We kind of overdid things a bit with a very difficult hike down to Kuramanji where our houses used to be located before we moved to the new airstrip. The only thing that kept us all going was ‘drinking’ a bunch of stalks of sugar cane. We had a wonderful but short time that culminated with a week at the beach. It is a 30 minute flight to the north coast. There we enjoyed the sights of PNG’s beautiful coral reefs. It sure was a treat to have that time together, God is so good!

Our new (actually refurbished) Onan 7 kva diesel generator also arrived in July and is now on-line. Members of Bouquet Baptist Church of Santa Clarita, California raised $4000 for the purchase and shipping of the generator. Many little ones contributed their pennies during last summer’s Vacation Bible School. The generator has met a huge need for power to run our equipment. God’s timing was perfect, He knew we would have the biggest need ever right now for extra power because of all the materials being prepared for our up-coming literacy school. Thank you to all of you who prayed and gave.
Please pray for:
- The literacy school starting Sept. 23. Many have expressed a special interest in learning to read God’s Word.
- Continued progress in language study.