We are busy translating the evangelism phase of our chronological teaching curriculum. I just finished the last Old Testament lesson (42 of 68). The last few lessons dealt with the prophets and bridging the gap to the New Testament. As my translation helper worked with me he was really convicted by those lessons teaching about how the leaders of Israel as well as the majority of the people went to the temple but their hearts were far from God. Also that the Pharisees tried to follow rigid rules and so did not consider themselves sinners like other “bad” people. He said that he was just that way-prideful of his good works and thinking he was not really a sinner like other “bad” people. This is a pretty significant thing for a Simbari to admit he is wrong, in regards to ANY thing, but especially to admit sin. We are convinced that ONLY the Holy Spirit working in his life could result in such a confession. The Simbaris NEVER and I mean NEVER will admit wrong, even if the truth is evident. They usually just try and avoid the shame by running away for a while or just staying away until things are forgotten. The focus in each of these lessons is to emphasize that NONE of us could live up God’s righteous standard. So all we deserve is punishment for our sin. But God in His grace made a way to be accepted through the blood sacrifice which pointed to Jesus the “Lamb of God” who came to shed his blood, taking our punishment on Himself. PRAY for us as we work on the N.T. lessons now and also prepare the scripture portions that will be used in the teaching.
In our last letter we told you about our friend Gwandambiyal who had liver cancer. He went to be with the Lord in May. Before he died he instructed everyone NOT to perform the normal traditional ceremonies to chase away his ghost after his death. We pray that his testimony will make an impact on other Simbaris so that they too would want to know the truth of the Gospel.
Last, but not least, is that we are expecting a new little Ogg in the family. Yes, Shari is 4 months along and the baby is due on Jan. 23. Because of our doctor’s recommendation and in agreement with our home church we will be coming home to the U.S. for the delivery. We plan to arrive around the end of Nov. and stay for around 3 months.