Thanks for your prayers for us as we make preparations to print the Simbari New Testament. We have been working daily since returning from PNG on proofreading and at the moment we are in Acts chapter 25 (58%). This is an in-depth critical read that takes some time but it is very worthwhile since some of the material we are looking at was translated over 15 years ago, and we have learned a few things since then. Shari is nearly finished with a new Children’s Sunday School curriculum that she has been working on.
We recently received a radio message from Raymond sent to us via email by one of our PNG co-workers. Raymond traveled from the Port Moresby church out to the church in the tribe to fill in for a few months while another elder and Bible teacher is away. This last week the church held a Bible conference and in the weeks to come Raymond and some of the other believers will be ministering in other villages. We know God’s Word will bear fruit, and we are excited about what God is doing.
Our first grandchild is 2 months old now. We had a chance to visit right after he was born. David kept up on translation and Shari helped out as much as possible with housework and babysitting. We had a wonderful time with Tim, Esther and Daniel and we miss them a lot. Here are some pics from a photo shoot we did on the last day.
Next Up: We will be traveling to Ohio for Jason and Geordan’s wedding. (more news later on that)
please pray
- Pray for wisdom as we prepare Bible translation & lessons for the Simbari church
- Pray that God would use Raymond’s tribal visit to encourage and grow the church
- Pray for Jason and Geordan’s wedding and for the families traveling to the wedding