Joshua 14:12 “Now give me this hill country of which the Lord spoke of… where the Anakin are and great walled cities”
At age 85, as Joshua was dividing up the Promised land, Caleb renewed his request for the mountain where the sons of Anakin lived. The sons of Anakin were the descendants of Goliath.
At age 85 Caleb says to Joshua, “I am as strong now as I was when Moses sent me on that journey, and I can still travel and fight as well as I could the. So give me the hill country that the Lord promised me. I love the story of Caleb.” He didn’t shrink back in fear like the rest of the nation. He believed God and staked his life on that faith. “Give me my mountain full of giants in great walled cities.” Because when the Lord is with me, I have nothing to fear! He wholeheartedly followed the Lord. Caleb believed God was strong enough to overcome whatever challenge he faced. In faith, he claimed the land God promised him back when he had spied out the land.
This is the story that we named our son Caleb from. Scripture says of him that “he wholeheartedly followed the Lord.” This is our prayer for our son, but today it’s my prayer for whoever is reading this post. May you have the faith of Caleb, and may the testimony of your life be that you “wholeheartedly follow the Lord.” May we learn to trust and believe God like Caleb did.
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