The Lord truly is our provider!
Just last week we were out of many of the essential materials we need to continue with the Literacy teaching starting in June. We were also running alarmingly low on food… (Because of the huge expense of our work and residence permits (for Nadia and Franco) in April, we were unable to buy much groceries while in the city last month. We were hoping for a supply run of a Mwinika friend, but his truck broke down). Being down to beans and bread and the last printer cartridge, I can’t tell you the joy and relief when a believer from a church in South Africa responded to help us to get the supplies here!
This man paid for the a small airplane from Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF) to bring the supplies in to a small town an hour’s drive from us! I was so thankful too that Dave, the pilot, although he was on a tight schedule, took the time to put in a new car battery for us. I was thrilled that I wouldn’t have to jump start our car anymore. Lovely to swing that key and hear the engine roar!
We have been able to continue with the printing of all the booklets and flashcards that is needed for the Literacy classes and are eating like kings: fresh cucumbers and tomatoes, a little cheese and even a chicken on Sunday! The Lord truly provided in our smallest needs. Praise Him!