When we first started looking for tickets we honestly thought we might be waiting around for ticket prices to drop in September. . .or October. But we were able to find an amazing deal on tickets . . .AND the Lord has provided the money to pay for them. As a matter of fact the total ticket price came to $24 less than what we had in our bank account at the time AND tickets at that incredibly low price were only available on ONE day from ONE website!
So we will be arriving in San Fransisco on July 17th, Caleb’s 4th Birthday. While I wouldn’t have chosen to fly on his birthday it is kind of neat that he will have the longest birthday ever, something like a 40 hour day as we actually arrive in San Fransisco BEFORE we leave Manila (and 17 hours later 🙂 Caleb asked me if that means the plane will be flying backwards 🙂
Greg and the kids arrive here in Singapore tomorrow and we have an empty apartment to stay in for the week. There are lots of inexpensive things do to with kids in Singapore and I have planned a whirlwind of fun activities to celebrate missed birthdays and being back together again after nearly a month. We were even given half price tickets to the zoo, which is something we have always wanted to do here.
Health Update
Except for a case of tonsillitis this week Caleb has been doing great. The Doctor said his liver has returned to normal size (and is protected again by his rib cage) and his spleen is nearly at normal size again. We are so filled with thank fullness as we look back to how very sick he was just weeks ago.
We have made appointments for the whole family to be tested for malaria while we are here in Singapore, it is something that can lurk in your body for months or years and we want to make sure no one will continue to deal with it’s effects this coming year.
Update on our Plans
We plan to spend about a week in Sacramento after we arrive and then we will head up to Bozeman, Montana for a month. We would love to get together with all you Bozemanites ( and those nearby) so email us at greg_berglund@ntm.org if you would like us to share in your church, Bible study, etc. or if you just want to get together and catch up.
We are planning to settle in Sacramento for the school year and have been blessed with a mostly furnished house to rent. We will plan a longer trip to visit family and friends, and to share in churches, in the spring and early summer, and just travel in and around California and the surrounding areas over the school year so that we can get jobs if necessary and the kids can get involved at church and in homeschool co-ops.
Our heartfelt thanks!
We are so overwhelmed by the outpouring of love, prayers and support we have received this last month. Thanks to each of you who took a moment to pray for Caleb, wrote notes of encouragement to us, and gave to help meet our unexpected expenses at this time. We love and appreciate each of you so much and are thankful that we are partners together in reaching the Buru people for Christ.
In His grace;
Greg and Pam Berglund
Nate (12) Hannah (10) Grace (9) Katie (7) Caleb (3)