The last time we sent out an update it was to ask you to pray for Caleb, who had been admitted to the hospital again. I am sorry it has taken me so long to update you on that! We have been living a whirlwind, nomadic lifestyle these last 2 and a half months, staying in more than 16 homes, hospitals, or motels! It is hard to get to the to-do list when you can’t even find it! 🙂
Thank you so much for your prayers these last months. Caleb is doing great. It turned out the type of malaria he had was actually the vivax strain, he was misdiagnosed both in Singapore and in Sacramento. This explains why the medication he was given helped for a while, but then he relapsed. The CDC finally diagnosed it as vivax and he was treated with the proper medication. Currently all the children are taking a 14 day course of a malaria eradication drug so we won’t have any more relapses while we are home. Caleb is doing well now, he has his appetite back and his fears of heights and new situations seem to be fading slowly.
We are currently in Bozeman, Mt. We plan to be here until the 29th of August. After that we will head back to Sacramento and get the kids involved in homeschool co-ops and sports groups, church activities, and music lessons, all the things we can’t give them when we are overseas. We will try to stay mostly settled during the school year, just taking trips to share in churches and visit friends that are close by so the kids have a sense of stability. Then in the spring we will take a long trip through Oregon, Washington, Montana, and Wyoming (and perhaps a few other places). Our contact number is 916-239-5326. We love to share what God is doing among the Buru people. We can share in churches, Sunday school, Bible studies, Missions conferences and schools so let us know if we can share with your group!
If you would like to partner with us in our ministry donations can still be sent to the following address with a note that it is for the ministry or Greg and Pam Berglund. Or you can follow the “donate” link at the top of this page. (100% of your donations will go to our ministry)
New Tribes Mission
1000 East First Street
Sanford, Fl. 32771-1478
Praises and Prayer requests;
Praise: We took everyone in for check ups while we were in Sacramento and everyone is doing great health-wise. Even our cholesterol numbers were great 🙂 must be all that jungle food we ate!
Prayer Request: Please pray that this will be a great year of spiritual and personal growth for our family
Praise: We have almost everything we need for this coming year in the states, almost all of our school books, and and we were pleasantly surprised to find that we had packed most of our household goods, even things like hangers and laundry baskets. The only trick is to figure out how to get everything we want to take down to Sacramento in our little trailer.
Prayer Request: Greg will be going back to the village for the month of October, it is a necessary trip because of our government paper work, but also a blessing to be able to go back for a short time after the sudden way we left. Please pray for the finances for the trip, and also for the rest of the family while he is gone.
Praise: Thanks to Greg’s sister, Tracy, our van was in great shape when we got back, and the Lord provided the funds and the people to help us with the few items of maintenance that did need to be done.
Prayer Request: Greg and I will be looking for jobs when we get back to Sacramento, living in the US is expensive and we need to find something to supplement our income but something that still allows us to homeschool, and do the traveling we need to do on the weekends. (Greg would really like to continue translating too, especially since our church and Carmichael has provided him with an office to work in.) Please pray that we will both find part-time, flexible jobs that will still allow us to focus on sharing a vision for missions, while still meeting the needs of our family.
We appreciate you so much and have felt such a tremendous outpouring of love these past months. You really have been God’s hands and feet for us, God’s heart actually! We love you!
Greg, Pam, Nate, Hannah, Grace, Katie, and Caleb Berglund