We experience the grace and love of God daily as He continues to join us together, a Georgia girl from America and a Joola man from Senegal! We were married in 2009 and are blessed to serve on a church planting team among the Joola people in Senegal.
God is also joining our hearts together with our Joola brothers and sisters in Christ here and we are privilaged to serve with them. They are the experts in this language that has yet to have the written Word of God. They are experts in this culture that is centered around worship of spirits that are enemies to our God and Savior Jesus Christ. The small group of believers meet together in our home for now.
With the resources that Ethnos360 provides, we hope to see this church grow and develop to maturity. We hope to provide training and assistance that will assure that people here will hear of God’s great love for them in their own language, and be able to read the Bible and study it and teach it to others.
We serve together here with our four beautiful children. Some of our responsibilities include, language and culture study for Heather and for Charles, teaching and discipleship. We are also currently working towards getting this language written down in a consistent fashion so that we can continue with literacy and Bible translation.
Please pray that we would daily be a witness of God’s glory. Thank you for your partnership in ministry! Your financial support, encouragment, and prayers are an essential part of reaching the unreached!
This task surely takes a body of believers with different gifts and resources and we look forward to working together with you to reach the unreached in Senegal.