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-Concerning prayer
1 Timothy 2:1-4 ESV
“First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way. This is good, and it is pleasing in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.”
John 15:7 ESV
“If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.”
1 Thessalonians 5:17 ESV
“Pray without ceasing,”
Romans 8:26 ESV
“Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words.”
Matthew 6:6 ESV
“But when you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you.”