Romans 12:1 and 2, gave us directions to God’s will, and Matthew 28:19 was an opened door to serve on the mission field. New Tribes Mission was willing to be our mission board and by faith and faith alone we sold everything we owned and began training in 1973. Being transformed by the renewing of our minds we were no longer conformed to the world. I believe if we delight ourselves in the Lord as the Bible speaks then God will give us the desires of our hearts. Are you waiting for a call? My question would be, has He called you not to go, how did that come about? I forgot to mention that, “faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen,” Hebrews 11:1. If you are looking for writing in the sky I wonder if that would go down as faith in God’s eyes? Let me close by saying, “The Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld his glory.” They called His name and His name was Jesus and the Word that became flesh has spoken, “Go Ye into all the world and preach the gospel.” No special call for Janie and I, just a man and woman that said, “Not our wills be done but Yours be done.” So be it Lord Jesus, and I will pray for more labourers for the fields that are white unto harvest. Thanks for sharing that prayer request with me. Jack Housley