In 1973 after reading a book titled “God Planted Five Seeds”, spending time with missionary friends and much time in the Word, Jack and Janie entered New Tribes Mission for training as tribal missionaries.
After some time in NTM language school it was apparent that Jack’s gifts were not in language learning, but that wasn’t the end of the story. God opened doors for his desires to work among tribal people in other ways.
Jack’s experience from growing up on a farm and working as a heavy equipment mechanic / operator became very helpful as the young family made their way to Papua New Guinea (PNG).
Jack and Janie arrived on the field March 1976 with their four sons, Jack Jr., Bill, Wesley and Darren. After several months of field orientation, they moved into an existing work in the Sepik Region. They helped build a home for two single ladies that would soon be coming to re-open the Ama work. They stayed with the two women until another family arrived.
In 1978, the Housley family moved to again in the Sepik Region. Using that location as a stepping stone, they moved to a village where they lived and worked until other missionaries moved in to begin language study.
They moved two hours up river and located again, taking care of and supplying the seven other families stationed their until1981. Running supplies up and down the river and helping build airstrips became a full time job.
Their last home on the river was at the Bisorio airstrip with Bob & Noby Kennell and George & Harriett Walker. Leaving Bisorio in 1986 they moved again, and for the next two years prepared newly arriving missionaries for their work in PNG.
Making their move back to the States in 1988, they worked with NTM’s short-term ministry, Destination Summit as a mission representative. During these 13 years, Jack and Janie were able to lead around 28 short term mission teams to different countries where New Tribes Mission works.
Many young folks made decisions on these trips to serve the Lord as missionaries. Jack and Janie delight in watching some of these same men and women continue to serve on the mission field.
Early in 2002, they moved back to PNG and served in a leadership role, helping Lyle and Martha Mankey open up a new Region.
In December 2004, they moved again – this time to Goroka, in the Highlands Region of Papua New Guinea. Currently, they travel in the five Regions of PNG, ministering in the area of Member Care. They are encouraging, comforting and exhorting NTM missionaries as they labor to finish the work God has given them to do.
In June of 2006 we, Jack, George Walker, Bob Kennell and a pastor friend hiked 16 hours to Bisorio to check on the work there. Praise God the folk where holding strong, and still longing to serve the Lord.
In 2008 we came home and today we work in the area of Member Care State side. Our job is to keep our missionaries moving to the field and as they come back to the States we work to help them rest up and get back to the field in good shape. We feel our roll is important. Jesus said to pray for labors for the fields and we feel if God is sending them to the field we need to help them any way we can.
What is Member Care? It is seeing that person in front of you as Jesus would see them and then like He did, help. We will be spending lots of our time in Missouri where training our new missionaries is taking place. We are looking after our missionaries that come home in the mid west area of the USA as well. Like Paul of old we will be traveling many miles just to see how they are doing here and aboard.
As we labor with you our supporting team we ask that you pray faithfully each day for us and the men and women God has put in our care. I need boldness to speak in love and grace. Our hearts still burn to take the gospel to those that have never heard the good news that Jesus saves.
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