This little story happened a few years back but as I bring it to mind it fuels my tomorrows as I push forward looking for faithful men, neither in Papua New Guinea nor in Germany but here in this great USA were many young men and women wait for someone to encourage them to waste their lives in a small village setting somewhere around the world.
The flames of our small camp fire flickered off their faces and danced in their eyes as we talked about their tomorrows and the dreams they would pursue when they return home to Germany. They had been with us for a year and have proved to be some of the best to come our way and that is treasure enough for me.
We have met together on Friday mornings for breakfast and I have had the pleasure to be one of the men to teach them a bit from the Word after a good fill from the outdoor grill that we could call Old Smoky. I trust it is not just what we have taught, but more of what they have caught living face to face with us that goes back home with them.
Most likely I will never get to teach in Germany but if they have caught my heart and passion for the lost it will go with them back home and will be lived out in them as they follow their dreams where ever that might lead. This year at New Tribes Mission Interface these men have had a taste of missions and no matter what; they will never be the same.
One young man named Thomas wrote me a note with these words as he was leaving to go home; “Jack, thanks for wasting your time on me.” My life has never been about the crowds, but I can’t think of a better way to waste my life than with young men following behind. Missions begin and end with discipleship. Jack