Over the years Janie and I have stepped out in faith and faith alone. Many of you have prayed us through many hard times and without your faithfulness we would have not been able to do what we have done. Once again the call has come to us asking for help in Papua New Guinea, the field God has given us to work in over the last 40 years.
Due to sickness one of our faithful workers in Papua New Guinea has had to return home to get medical help, this leaves a very big need and when it is all said and done it will take many to fill the gaps. Janie and I have been asked to come and help with the work load. Several new missionaries will be arriving on the field and we will be helping them get prepared to go into language groups wherever God leads.
I must say time is short we have tickets booked for the 16th of this month to go and I must admit we go in fear and trembling but we go. Please pray that we will be what we need to be, just an open vessel prepared for His service. Pray for good health and open minds to all the needs these new missionaries face as they too step out into some pretty rough days.
This is not easy for us in our older years but what a privilege and I know you will be praying for us as we make this trip looking to Jesus author and the finisher of our faith and the Lord of our lives. Jesus said go and He would go with us what more could we ask? Pray my eyes will focus on Him and Him alone until this work is done.
Now to Him who can put all this together we lift our hearts knowing He is able to do much more than we can ever dream in these old bodies of clay. Thanks for hanging with us over these many years in prayer and in much giving in many ways. Monday the 16th of Jan we fly out; fly with us in your prayers.