This post was originally published on July 10, 2023 at
I planted several pineapple tops around the yard almost two and a half years ago. Spaced apart in the warm earth between other plants, some in full sun and others in partial shade, the leaves grew steadily into groups of saw-like branches that could draw blood on the arms of inattentive weeders. Two and a half years is a long time to wait for a pot to boil, so it was a happy day a few months ago when I discovered a baby pineapple growing out of the middle of one of the plants. It started as a tiny cluster of red-tipped, spiny leaves (a new pineapple top) emerging from the center of the parent plant. It was in no hurry to mature, so the months continued to pass without a harvest.
Finally, just last week, I looked out the window and noticed my pineapple fruit was yellow and toppling over. Still small, but obviously ready to be brought inside. Jared did the honors, and–oh, joy!–we ate it two days later. It had that rare, golden sweetness that takes on a coconutty flavor in its perfection. It took our family less than 30 seconds to polish off what had been developing in our backyard for well over two years.
The experience made me reflective. That’s a loooong time to wait for a slice or two of golden goodness, but there’s a clear spiritual metaphor to be gleaned from it. Our lives, sweet or sour, are like a ripe pineapple consumed in a moment, or as James puts it, like “a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes” (James 4:14b, ESV).
Psalm 90:12 is a special verse for Jared and me. Moses writes, “Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom” (NIV). Note that Moses did not write, “Teach us to number our days, that we may accomplish great things for You.” In fact, the focus of the whole psalm is not even on our “heart of wisdom,” but rather on the power, glory, and eternality of God Himself. Someone possessing a heart of wisdom will recognize the Lord’s eminence in all things and consequently rejoice!
Often our blog posts include pictures of the aviation ministry and stories of the events that make this a meaningful service. That’s okay–the main purpose of this blog is to keep you updated on what we’re doing…to keep us accountable to you, in a way, for the resources you invest in us for the sake of the kingdom of God. Today, however, ministry is not the focus. We are no more or less than fellow sojourners (and what a brief sojourn it is!). Among the plethora of personalities, abilities, locations, and vocations which make up the body of Christ, together we can seek Him and gain hearts of wisdom so that His Name will be magnified in us now, just as it will be one day and forever in all the world.