We’re Goin’ to the Chapel and…
What do Sunday mornings, birthdays, weddings, anniversaries, funerals, and Christmas all have in common? In our corner of the world, the answer is: a church service. Sometimes called “The City of a Thousand Churches,” our town is home to multiple denominations and churches of all shapes and sizes. A rigorously-observed aspect of the local church culture […]

Pineapple Parable
This post was originally published on July 10, 2023 at https://thekresges.com/2023/07/10/pineapple-parable/. I planted several pineapple tops around the yard almost two and a half years ago. Spaced apart in the warm earth between other plants, some in full sun and others in partial shade, the leaves grew steadily into groups of saw-like branches that could […]

‘Twas the Day after Christmas
This post was originally published on January 4, 2023 at https://thekresges.com/2023/01/04/twas-the-day-after-christmas/. The major days of the Christmas holidays were successfully concluded, and we had all settled in for a quiet morning on December 26th. We had made plans for afternoon visits to friends, and we expected a crowd of coworkers at our home for an […]
Welcome to our ministry blog! We are Jared and Carol Kresge, serving with Ethnos360 Aviation. We have four young boys that quite literally keep us on our toes. Our hearts are to follow Jesus wherever He leads and become a blessing to those we meet along the way. Through missionary aviation, we seek to serve people in remote areas that would otherwise have difficult access to towns, supplies, medical services, etc. This is our small part in the effort to ...