Hello from Bolivia! We are about to begin the final week of the literacy course here at the missionary training center. There are students from Bolivia, Paraguay, Brazil, Chile, Argentina and Peru and it is so exciting to think of the ministries that God is preparing for each of them. We have certainly come to love and appreciate the students and staff here who serve so completely.
This week the students will be teaching through a lesson in the primers that they have developed during the class, including their flashcards, blackboard exercises, writing practice. It’s always a fun time (although stressful for some) and a very practical way to pull together everything we’ve been learning. We appreciate your prayers for this last week of class.
We also have had the best times with our daughter Pam, Ryan and the family who have served here in Bolivia for the past year in a missionary school. The grandkids have grown so much during this year in Bolivia. Reed and David still enjoy “forts” made out of sheets over the table and dragon-slaying adventures. We had a great day with Saddie yesterday going down to the market to pick out material for a new dress and then visiting the modista who can sew anything with just a picture! And Poppy makes us smile with his jokes and plans for the future. Keep Pam in your prayers. She has been very sick with what seems to be dengue fever. This comes as Parsons are about to begin packing and cleaning to return to the States.
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