We are back home from Bolivia remembering great times with new friends and all the fun with Ryan, Pam and the grandkids. Please keep Pam in your prayers as she recuperates from dengue fever. They return to the States on July 15, so these next weeks are full of packing, cleaning and good-byes.
Pam arranged a couple of trips for us to see the beautiful Bolivian scenery and take in some real history! Our favorite was El Fuerte (The Fort) in Samaipata where pre-Incan cultures carved figures unto the huge rock that covers the top of a mountain.
Now we look forward to time at our desks to work on projects that are needing attention. These include follow-up with our co-worker Wendy Rees for the literacy training throughout Latin America, revision and updating of some key literacy resources used by NTM (including a 217 page manual, many power points and documents used for training literacy consultants and missionary candidates), upcoming trip to the missionary training center in Canada, plans for a 2014 Latin American regional literacy workshop, and a trip to Philippines. We appreciate and NEED your prayers for wisdom in each step.
For pictures of the literacy training, fun times with our family, and some Bolivian history and sights, click on the photo tab and go to the third album: our last trip.
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