Lots of travels already this year and we are preparing for the next trip. Let’s see how you know your world facts and if you can discern where we are going in a few weeks…
*A local delicacy is balut which is a developing duck embryo that is boiled alive and eaten in the shell. The eggs are savored for their balance of textures and flavors, from the broth surrounding the embryo…I won’t go any farther! Google it, if you are interested!
*The country is an archipelago (island chain) of 7,107 islands
*It ranks 5th in the world for the country having the longest coastline = great beaches and surfing!
*The country lies in the Pacific Ring of Fire making it highly prone to earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. But no worries, most of the more than 200 volcanoes are inactive.
*It is the only country in the world whose flag is hung upside down when the country is fighting.
*171 languages and dialects are actively used in the country
*The nation got its name after King Philip II of Spain
Did you guess the Philippines?
We are very excited about the literacy workshop which more than 45 missionaries and students will attend, and also the opportunities we will have to train literacy consultants for the field and meet with missionary teams. There is great enthusiasm among the Philippine leadership team and church planters for literacy’s part in seeing local believers loving and obeying God’s Written Word. We are so excited to see what God is going to do!
Would you join us in prayer for:
- For prepared hearts of the missionaries and ourselves.
- For God’s wisdom as we travel, teach, speak, and encourage! It’s such a privilege to meet and serve these brothers and sisters in Christ. We desire to instruments the Lord can use in every way He desires.
- Physical strength and stamina for the travels and very busy schedule. Please pray especially for quick adjustment to the jet lag from 13 time zones.
- Protection for Joyce against malaria. Jerry will be taking anti-malarial meds. But because of interaction with other medicines that she is on, Joyce will not be able to take them. Of course, we will use every precaution (bug sprays, mosquito nets, long sleeves, etc), but we are asking people to join us in asking God for her protection.
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