Thanks so much for your prayers while we were in Bolivia at the missionary candidate center. How we appreciate these young people preparing for missionary service! There were students from Chile, Argentina and of course, Bolivia.
So what do we do when we are not collecting stamps in our passports? Office work! Now, office work may not sound as exciting as traveling around the world, but it prepares us and the resources so that we can serve the missionary teams around the world.
We are spending a lot of time with the computer programming team on the new literacy computer program. Right now we are checking through each click on the program, writing detailed instructions for each step, and building the formatting and printing capability into the program. For those of you who have ever worked on developing literacy primers, you can appreciate this! The literacy program will save God’s servants many, many hours of work (and headaches)!
We also are preparing ourselves and fellow consultants to be a better help to the teams by taking some linguistic training in MO the beginning of November. This training will help us to be able to answer the questions from teams better about their alphabets and the spelling of words. Remember, we are working with languages that are often being written down for the first time. Having a good alphabet is important because that’s what will be used to write (translate) God’s Word into the language!
So we appreciate your prayers in these weeks working at home just as much as when we are away traveling!
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