Baby Bella
We wanted to let you know that she’s here! Isabella Marie Collins was born on May 28. She weighed 7 pounds, 7 ounces and was 18 ¾ inches long. We praise God with Joey & Connie for this little miracle. Bella is our eighth grandchild, but it just never gets old! We can’t get enough time holding our newest little love and kissing those tiny fingers!
If you are interested in pictures of us with Bella, click on the Photo tab and go to the second album, Family.
Literacy Computer Program Update
We feel like it’s Christmas time! The computer programmers have decided to give our literacy team an extra gift. The literacy program has been expanded to include pre-literacy materials and literacy teachers’ books with daily lesson plans. The original plan was amazing enough: that the program would analyze the language data and help with writing the reading practice books (primers). But this is above what we could have dreamed and will save countless months of work for missionary teams and consultants.
Can we ask you to really join us in prayer during these next few weeks? It’s an important time as key parts of the program are coming together for an on-time release the end of July. Even though we have not been traveling, we are working like crazy to give the programmers the information they need to get this project done. We and the programmers need wisdom, courage, strength, and health.
Upcoming trips
Although our next trip isn’t until the very end of July, we have also been working to prepare for this extended trip to Senegal, Ivory Coast and then straight to the Philippines. This is the trip where we will be working with 8 languages using the new computer program. Just think of people in these language groups having access to the translated Word of God in their own language! That’s what keeps us going through these intense times of ministry.
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