What is the month of June looking like for you? We’ll be spending the whole month in Peru, a country that has a special place in our hearts.
Back when Joyce was in first grade, she watched a film at school about the country of Peru. (Yes, it was a reel-to-reel film back then). It was just a social studies film, but God used it to challenge her heart for missions. It showed Quechua children up in the mountains with their own language and culture and the thought came to Joyce that unless someone would go up the mountains, learn their language and translate the Bible; those children wouldn’t know the Truth. She volunteered if God wanted her to go, she was His girl. And the rest is history!
So, it is extra special that we will be in Peru, training consultants and producing literacy materials in one of the languages there.
Please pray with us:
- Consultant training: the first four days will be very technical days that are a mixture of language, linguistics, and computer training with the literacy software – all in Spanish. There are people to help us and all the documents and presentations have been previously translated. But we really need your prayers! Pray that we will form a strong team together and for very clear communication.
- Writing literacy curriculum: the next 3 weeks we’ll be working with the missionary team and several people from the village to write a full literacy curriculum. The consultants-in-training will get hands on practice by working on these materials. Pray for health and good rest each night for the whole team. Please pray that God will use these materials that many people will learn to read His Word that has been translated into their language.
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