Don’t you just love being able to cross off big tasks from your to-do list? We have had a happy month like that where we finished up the English help files for the literacy software and uploaded thousands of pictures to the Image Finder database. Thanks for your prayers and encouragement.

Next steps
Finishing tasks means you move on to the next ones. Each of the steps on our new list can be used as prayer points:
Get ready for June literacy workshop in Peru:
- our preparations with the languages with which we will be working. We don’t have to learn to speak the language to help with literacy, but we become very familiar with the grammar, spelling of words and syllables that occur in the language.
- every language is so interesting and unique. One of them for this Peru workshop has 9 consonants – the first one alphabetically being the letter j! So that means no letters c d f g or h. But they make up for it with the vowels: a â e ê i î o ô ö ø u.
- our preparations as we review notes to be ready for the 4 days of literacy consultant training. The consultant training is one of the most intense things we do.
- confirm that all notes for the consultant training have been translated into Spanish and are ready for the workshop.
- that God will use this workshop in training more literacy consultants who can help other teams and that the literacy materials we produce will help people learn to read God’s Word being translated into their languages!
Preparations for other trips this year to Bolivia and W. Africa
- wisdom with the details: correspondence with those we will be training and teams we with whom we’ll be working, translation of resources, flights and tickets. Lots of people are involved and we want to be hearing God’s voice each step of the way.
Literacy teaching videos
- our leadership has asked us to make training videos to help those teaching the literacy course in the missionary candidate training centers around the world
- details for the videoing
- clear communication of these important truths
Thanks for praying for us, not just that we can check off boxes on our to-do list! That is rewarding to do, but how we want to be hearing our Lord’s voice, have His wisdom and joy, and be pointing everyone we meet along the way to Him!
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