Greetings to everyone from the Highlands of PNG. Furlough is coming up! Lord willing, I should be back in the US in time for the second half of 2014. So, please pray for a safe trip back to the USA, and for a good furlough.
One exciting bit of news. I will continue to assist with the shipping ministry over my furlough. This is partly due to a shortage of support workers, and mostly because PNG Customs takes a good while to learn. I’ll still be able to process much of the paperwork from half a world away, and since I do love this job, I’m really looking forward to it.
Still, July is three months away and there is plenty of work yet to be done. One necessary task is to teach the ways of Lae city, and the pothole infested Highlands Highway to the new folks. Not an easy task. I’m just now getting the hang of who is where and does what.
Health wise, things have been pretty good, praise the Lord for that. And thanks for your prayers in this matter! There are so many fun things to get sick with here in PNG, including some ‘fun’ varieties of food poisoning. We try to avoid it by eating at the more upscale places during our Lae visits- expensive, but cheaper than the clinic. Please keep praying for our safety.
Finally, I’d like to share a few prayer requests for the next few months to come. First, please pray for a productive furlough with plenty of opportunities to share about my ministry. Second, that the Lord will provide the cost for the return trip to PNG in January. Finally, pray that the Lord will provide more workers on the mission field, especially in the support ministries.
Thanks once again for your prayers and gifts, and I look forward to seeing many of you in person shortly, Lord willing.
May God bless you all, Joe