We got an amazing opportunity to be at Long Beach for the 4th of July. We traveled there for a week with our boys and Joel’s sister Becca. This time was a gift from God. It was an important opportunity to relax and fellowship together. The boys loved the pool and the beach and were amazed at the fireworks. Joel and I appreciated the time to relax before the big push. July and August will be extremely busy as we tie up loose ends and begin the good bye process. We know the time will fly before our eyes. We came back with renewed strength to face the weeks ahead.
Evergreen Bible Church
When got back from the beach, we spent the weekend sharing at Evergreen Bible Church. We have been so encouraged by the love and encouragement that we have gotten from this church in the short time we have been there. God continues to point us to people who are excited about what is happening in Africa. We are amazed as we watch God Work!
Our support has been flying in this month and we have been so encouraged watching God work. I have been challenged by the faith of those around us. Both sets of our parent are praying every day for God to bring in the rest of what we need and I know they are not the only ones praying. God has been answering our prayers and we are almost to what we need for our tickets. We are now waiting on the paperwork for our nanny to get processed. Please pray that her paper work will get processed quickly and that our support will be in before July 30th.
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