The hope of peace…
Thank you for praying. The last two days have been completely calm and it seems like a peaceful solution might have been found. The final results are still coming and there will probably be another round of elections, but there is now the hope of peace. We received the okay from our mission to continue with life. It is still a little too early to tell if this will be permanent but we are enjoying the peace and freedom while we have it. I can’t begin to tell you the weight that has been lifted off our shoulders.
A possible family…
It looks like we will have a chance to meet with our new Pastor and maybe even a possible host family. We are so excited! Again nothing is final, but we are even excited about the possibility. We have a family arriving to the field to move into our house on March 14th and we are still working on the details of where we will live. This is the first step in the right direction and we are hoping that the rest of the details (finding a house, setting up electricity and water, finding a language helper, packing, finding a way to move our things, and everything else ) will come together quickly. Living in Africa is quite the adventure!

Hi Andi, You do a great job sharing on your blog…thank you as I think that takes trust, courage and faith and love as you share yourself to us! Thanks for teaching me how to use this whole blog thing.
I always think that life is about not praying for peaceful surroundings as much as praying to learn how to live with peace in the midst of a world in turmoil. I think however, it is most difficult once we have children because of our fears and desires to protect our children and give them the best possible. (By the way that never goes away…I’m sure both sets of your parents still wish they could protect you and make it all easier.) I remember I had been praying desperately for peace and then was reading the bible where were are told there will ALWAYS be war and rumors of war. I thought maybe I should instead pray more for the strength and courage to live in a world where there will always be war and teach my children how they too can live with peace in the midst of turmoil and fear.
My problems with anxiety seemed to lessen once I tried to change myself instead of my surroundings. I still pray for peace for specific issues/wars/countries– and always will, but I don’t become depressed when it doesn’t happen as long as I can at least find peace from within me to continue living in this world of evil and selfishness.
Ultimately my trust is in a God who understands it all and as His ways are not my ways and as I can’t know the mind of God, I admit I don’t understand but that I do I absolutely trust in Him.
It sounds like you are moving forward in terms of housing and getting set up. I’m proud of both you and Joel and know that you are loved and prayed for. Aunt elisabeth
Praise the Lord! It’s good to hear all is at peace for now and you are free to coninue to run the race.
Oh my dear. I am glad for the peace that has come. And I marvel at how God has prepared you for so much uncertainty. I know that is not the way you like things. But you are trusting in God and I am learning from you. Keep it up.