At the beginning of our year Joel and I were reflecting on what our goals were for this upcoming year. We really wanted Ethan to be able to connect more with the kids from our church. The kids from our church are scattered among different schools, which all have different schedules and they live in different parts of town. This means that the main time they gathered together was Sunday for church. There are few believers in our area, so we really saw that it would be important for them to have more opportunities to connect. There are more activities that exist once kids are in high school age, but little happens before then. So we decided that we would try starting something up. We knew that our schedule would not allow much but we decided to start a gathering 1 day a month and see how it goes.
Our group of boys from the first meeting
We are now on our 3rd month. We are encouraged by the excitement kids have to gather and be together. We are still figuring out what works best. The first week we had girls and boys separate the whole time. This past month we did teaching time together and then split for activities. We see lots of potential for activities we could do including a camping weekend, movie night and so on, but are mostly limited by our availability.
Pray for us as we begin this new ministry. Pray for the kids as they are growing in their faith in an environment where most don’t follow the same path. Pray for them to be an encouragement to one another. Pray for us to be an encouragement to them.
We start with a time in the word
The kids are all quick to share and are picking up on good truthsJoel has been leading the teaching
Then we have activities.
With the girls we have been working on crafts
The boys usually head outside for more active games like soccer and relays
Pray for these young ones that these relationships will be a source of encouragement
This is so very cool! Such an impressionable age and so critical too!
I will be praying for these young people as you interact and impact their lives.