It is hard for us to imagine as the Bible is something we have such easy access to in English. We can choose which version to read and where to read it or even how big the letters are that we read. Yet for so many places around the world this is not a luxury they have. This past month we celebrated the completion of the second New Testament here in West Africa. The Boulongish church now has a printed copy of scriptures and what a celebration it was.
Here is just a small picture of how God was at work. The night that Joel arrived in the village before the ceremony it was raining. Now rain might not sound like much but it sure can make it hard to have a celebration as there are no indoor facilities. Just after the ceremony it poured and when I say poured I mean it dumped, all evening, night and the next morning. The one window without rain was when? Yep right during the time of the ceremony. Just as people started leaving the rain started to come down. Our God is just amazing!
They had representations from the government, the majority religion and so many others who came to acknowledge this great accomplishment and each of the important delegates walked away with a Bible in their hands. All those from the village who had completed the literacy course were given a Bible as well. It was a great day for this small church and we hope it will be an encouragement to them as they continue to learn and grow about who they are in Christ.
Sheryl says
It is wonderful to hear of what God is doing among the Bulongish people. Thanks to God and for your faithful service there.
Patti says
We just don’t have any idea here of the treasure we have at our fingertips!
Thanks for sharing!