I remember one of our teachers in training saying that America is “the land of options.” How true is that?!? Just go down the cereal aisle in the grocery store to find confirmation. Having lots of options can be a good thing. Or a confusing thing. Or an overwhelming thing. Or a I-just-wasted-2-hours-reading-reviews-on-Amazon-and-I-still-haven’t-decided-thing.
Children’s Bibles are no exceptions. There are Princess Bibles, Adventure Bibles, Toddler Bibles, Action Comic Bibles, Lego Bibles, Veggie Tales Bibles, Bibles with most well-known stories included, and others that paint the big picture and leave out the details. If you have been looking for a Bible for your family that is both solid in content and appealing to young kids, read on for our suggestions (approved by our 2 and 3-year old 🙂 ).
1. My Favorite Bible: The Best-Loved Stories of the Bible
Not the most creative title, but it actually does happen to be our favorite Bible! I found this for free in a used and a bit battered state (Mission Barrel all the way!), grabbed it out of interest, and was highly impressed by it as soon as we started reading it with the boys. It’s recommended for ages 4-8 but I would suggest starting as early as 2 years old. The stories are fairly short with lots of pictures and even our wiggly Elias can sit through several of these stories. What we truly appreciate about this Bible that it has one BIG theme: the Promised One. I love that every Old Testament story is foreshadowing the coming of the One who alone can save. The emphasis is on God’s faithful character and the ultimate fulfilled promise in Jesus Christ. The Bible also includes discussion points and fun activities to do with the kids after each story.
2. The Jesus Storybook Bible: Every Story Whispers His Name
I view this as the “step up” from My Favorite Bible as far as intended age group goes. The stories are much longer and much more detailed and will most likely require the attention span and understanding of a child 4 years and older. But the focus is the same: Every story points to Jesus! And I have to say I truly enjoy the witty and engaging writing and the beautiful illustrations. I foresee this being our go-to Bible once the boys are a bit older. If we could have just one children’s Bible in our home, this would be it.
3. The Biggest Story: How the Snake Crusher Brings Us Back to the Garden
We just got this last week for Christmas and finished it within a couple of days. The illustrations are modern, abstract, colorful, different and just compelling! Like the title tells, this is definitely a BIG PICTURE Bible that highlights the great and ever-important themes of the Bible: God’s character, man’s character, and God’s great redemption. It paints one big tapestry of God’s grace, starting in the Garden and ending in Heaven. A different kind of Bible!
Happy Bible reading!