Five years ago, a baby was born. Our baby. Our Judah. After wondering for several years whether we could even have biological children, Judah was a prayer answered, a dream fulfilled, a new chapter.
I look at my now 5-year-old son and stand amazed at how much personality and life can be in such a little human being. When I think about Judah and what makes him him, the word “stories” comes to mind. Judah thrives on stories… he could have stories read to him for hours on end, he makes sure everyone is absolutely quiet when we listen to audio books in the car, he begs his Daddy to tell “just one more story” at bedtime and even resorts to bribery (“I will draw you a beautiful picture tomorrow!!”), he tells Elias stories to make them both laugh, he recreates stories with his Playmobil figures and animals, he absolutely cannot stand it if someone told a story and he missed or didn’t understand it, and the library happens to be one of his most favorite places of all time.
Judah is a Hebrew name and means “Praise.” It sums up the hopes we have for the life of our firstborn son. The hopes to see his words, his work, his achievements, and his whole life story to be a song of praise to his Creator.
As last year and the years before, we asked Judah 20 questions for his birthday interview.
20 Questions for Judah:
- How old are you? “Five”
- How old is Mommy? “21” (not too far off)
- How old is Daddy? “1000” (really far off)
- What is something Mommy says to you? “Don’t do that.” (What?!? I might have to work on that…)
- What makes you happy?“Playing with Moritz” (a boy who lives above us)
- What makes you sad? “When people laugh at me.”
- What makes you laugh? “Tickling!”
- What is your favorite thing to do? “Jumping on the trampoline with Elias.”
- What’s your favorite thing to do outside? “Jump on the trampoline.”
- Who’s your best friend? “Mia, Emilia, Jonas, and Elias.” (his two German girlfriends, his cousin & his brother)
- What are you really good at? “Drawing, drawing drawing!”
- What’s your favorite Bible story? “Jonah, Noah, and Goliath.”
- What is God like? “He loves people.”
- Which superhero do you want to be? “Batman, because he’s so cool with a cool black car”
- What’s your favorite food? “Treeeeeeats!”
- What’s your favorite book? “Charlotte’s Web and Magic Tree House.”
- What’s your favorite song? “Jingle Bells”
- What’s your favorite color? “All colors.”
- What’s your favorite animal? “Eagle, lion, tiger, and python!” (the more dangerous, the better)
- What’s your favorite toy? “Playmobil!”

For 5 years now, Judah’s been writing his own story, the story of his life, his dreams, his experiences. We are excited what the next chapter holds for him.
Happy birthday, Judah!