During this Coronavirus Pandemic our lives continue with a more hectic pace as we have connected with people overseas who are looking at closing MK schools for the rest of the semester or who may have questions about homeschooling in different settings. Our department has been working from home since March 21st and we have been busy gathering and creating helpful resources for missionary families during this time of crisis.
John has also been involved in an ad-hoc group that was formed across departments by Ethnos360 in order to focus on the needs of our missionary families no matter where they are suddenly located around the globe. Many missionaries have faced leaving their field of service abruptly without opportunity to say good-bye to others or properly leave their home and belongings in order. High school seniors have been especially affected as not only was their senior year with special activities and graduation brusquely interrupted (like many young people around the world), but they also had to make a hasty departure from their overseas childhood home knowing they will likely not be returning.
We have heard stories of missionary families almost getting stranded in foreign airports halfway home due to cancelled flights and arriving in empty airports in the States. Another family was in town doing normal shopping and got stranded when the city was locked down and they were unable to return to the small village where they were living. They faced three weeks of isolation without all their homeschool materials.
During this crisis, we have tried to be an encouragement as we share the different resources that we have found and continue to focus on the Lord through such unsettling times. One verse that we have found very encouraging is Psalm 46:1, “God is our strong refuge; he is truly our helper in times of trouble.” We sure do appreciate your support and prayers during times like these. Thank you so much for all you are doing!
John & Melanie
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