Dear Praying Friends,
Coffee anyone?
Our Isnag neighbors are beginning to make this year’s rice fields and they are also busy harvesting and drying coffee.
An impressive lizard made an appearance outside my office window last week. I ran out with the camera and took several shots before realizing that I didn’t have a memory card in the camera. Who keeps taking the card out of my camera and leaving it in my computer? The lizard very kindly held his pose while I went and got the card.
These ladies have put some of the translated Genesis portions into dramas to go along with their Bible studies. For the last several weeks I have been concentrating on writing Bible lessons. I am now 10 lessons ahead of where I am teaching and am planning to switch to concentrating on translation again as soon as a miniature tabernacle set arrives from Mindanao to help me with what I will be translating next.
Heidi, Vicky, David, and Vanessa are all gearing up for a big week ahead. Our language learning consultant is coming to evaluate and coach them to higher levels of language ability. Our consultant, George, has some health issues which make traveling difficult for him. We are thankful for his willingness to come out to help us and would appreciate your prayers that he would stay healthy and that his advice would help our team. Along with George we are expecting our friend, Geff Harada, and his daughter Grace. Geff will be working alongside George.
Thank you for your prayers.
God bless,