Last week we asked you to pray that we would have a good adjustment back to
village life and we have. In fact, we have been able to experience a lot of
the various facets of life here in less than a week. We have held a couple
brand new babies, participated in a funeral service, bought a basket,
bandaged the face of a four-year-old that was bitten on the face by a dog,
worked on the village water system, enjoyed visiting with our neighbors, and
had a church service.
Prayer and Praise Points:
- The Easton family also made it to their ministry location.
- We have a couple Isnag friends, Letty and Perlita, who are very sick and
would appreciate your prayers. - Our pilot is flying on other islands this week and this requires a lot of
flying over the ocean. Please pray for his safety. - Pray that we will continue to learn what God wants to teach us.
- Please pray for the peace and safety for the Philippines.
Thank you for your prayers.
God bless,
Jonathan & Heidi