You can only see the first 12 inches of termite damage on our co-worker’s house post, but it actually goes up four feet. These nice guys are ready to help fix the problem.
Meanwhile, at our house, Heidi is working with these ladies going over a rough draft of the book of Ephesians.
It only took the guys half a day to fix the house post, so in the afternoon they moved down to where the river is taking more and more of the bank every time there is a typhoon. They are going to build a retaining wall and we’ll hope that that will slow down the erosion.
This morning, we had two medical flights. One was a pregnant lady who is very sick and needs to see a doctor and the other was a young child with pneumonia. We tried to fly them out yesterday, but it rained all day and the helicopter couldn’t come. We are very thankful that they got out this morning. Please pray for us as we teach and translate God’s word here.
Thank you for your prayers. God bless, Jonathan & Heidi