Back to the Philippines!
After a year and half of waiting and multiple attempts to return to the Philippines, it seems the day has finally come! Candy and I are scheduled to fly out in just a couple of weeks! We plan to spend two weeks there, and our schedule is already filled with meetings in between packing up our […]

Heading Home
The goodbyes have begun. It never gets easier, even though after ten years we know what to expect. By this weekend we’ll be in Manila fighting jet lag, while our senses adjust once again to the heat, humidity, smells and noise. Our brains will slowly begin shifting back to functioning in Tagalog, and remembering all […]

2018 Year in Review
As a family, we like to take some time in January to reflect on the previous year, remember all that God has done, and ask Him for His priorities for us in the coming year. We wanted to share some of these memories with you in a month-by-month format. You can also check out the […]
Our Vision
To see a maturing, self-propagating church established in every Indigenous People group of the Philippines in this generation. Language barriers, cultural barriers, the encroachment of Western decadence, and geographical barriers all contribute to make the task of indigenous church planting a challenging one.
Where We WorkThe Philippines is a nation of 106 million people spread over 7107 islands, and broken into 160+ different language groups. Over five million Filipinos still have no access to the gospel in a language ...