I am so proud to introduce you to our daughter – Lucy Mae.

November 22, 2017
6 lbs, 1 oz
19.5 inches
Thank you for your prayers and well-wishes for this pregnancy and birth —we have been so blessed by them as we do our best to soak up every day with our sweet girl. She is doing remarkably well, and we love her more every day! Josh and I are both doing well, too, as we settle into a new normal that includes feedings every few hours, lots of diapers, and little sleep.

Now we are busy raising some much-needed financial support, and planning to head back to Papua New Guinea in March. Our flights will take us through Belgium where we will get to see our extended family for the first time in 3 years — and Lucy Mae will get to meet lots more family! There are two new babies on that side on the world, too, so we’ll get to meet them as well! :)
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