We have come to the half way point of our translation factory here. Please pray for much wisdom and progress for Luis, Arcesio and Mark to be able to finish the book of Hebrews in the next two weeks. They finished the last half of the book of 2. Cor which was very hard and Hebrews won’t be easy. As you back them up in prayer, they will go forward. Thank you! Lord willing, they will be back three more times this year plus we have a move in three weeks. Would appreciate your praying for our Guahibo missionaries, Virgil and his wife Elsa, as they are way in the boonies of Colombia teaching a group of needy Guahibos for a week. They left their work in the country next to us temporarily to meet this need. Our co-partner, Consuelo, stays mostly in bed since her 4 radiation treatments three weeks ago. She continues to need prayer in this hard journey of cancer.
THANK YOU so much for partnering with us in prayer, Joyce Cain for the Translation Team
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