The heart of man plans his way, but the LORD directs his steps.
Proverbs 16:9
At the beginning of this year our plan was to remain in Guinea for another 18 months or so before returning to the U.S. for our home assignment. We were making good progress in Bible translation and other aspects of our church planting work, and had no thought of interrupting our momentum.
But then we were contacted by Kirk’s niece. She invited us to attend her March wedding in Missouri, and asked Kirk to officiate. It was a tempting thought, but we weren’t sure it was something we should do.
As we began to see the Lord provide the needed finances for this trip, and since it would be a good opportunity for Yolanda to visit her ailing father, we decided a few weeks in the States would be possible and even a good idea.
We arrived in Missouri in late February. But before we were scheduled to return the COVID-19 “lockdowns” began. So here we remain. Guinea has not reopened borders or airports, and we don’t know when our airline will resume flights into the country. So we will likely not be able to return till September or later.
We had made a plan which our hearts told us was the way to go. The Lord is doing what He always does: directing our steps to reshape that plan according to His will.
We have been kept busy here. The wedding became a small, mostly family-only affair as the lockdown descended, but it was good nonetheless! During our months here we have enjoyed time with family and friends, worked on our house, and it has been nice to experience springtime in Missouri.
Kirk has also had the opportunity to work on Bible translation, but he is limited in what he can, not having regular access to our translation team or other mother tongue speakers of Landuma (there is no Internet service in the vicinity of our village in Guinea). Our coworker, Dan, in Colorado, is also working on translation.
We will plan to post again soon regarding the other ministry-related things Kirk is able to do while here in the States.
So a break expected to last just a few weeks has stretched into several months, and has morphed into an early home assignment, which likely means we won’t be returning again to the States next year. (But that would be our plan!) We look forward to returning to Landuma land, whenever the Lord directs, to continue the church planting work there.
We appreciate your prayers for us:
- Please PRAY that Kirk can make good progress on the church planting projects he is working on.
- PRAY for the church in the Landuma area, that in spite of restrictions forbidding religious meetings, the believers would still make opportunities to fellowship, study the Word, and pray together.
- PRAY that Guinea would open her borders soon so we can return to the work God has called us to.
Richard B. Owen says
Praise God for His wisdom and grace in directing our lives. Psalm 72:19. ” And blessed be His glorious name for ever: and let the whole earth be filled with His glory; Amen, and Amen. Kirk it is so wonderful to be in the family of God and to have the faithful task of praying or our brothers and sisters all around the world. It would be great to see you again here at Faith Comm. Bible Church. May the Lord bless your faithful service for His name.
Martha Torres says
How encouraging to see the growth of those precious brothers and sisters!
Keep going dearest ones.
Your former coworker.
Kirk and Yolanda says
Kirk and Yolanda says
Thanks, Ype and Judie. We much appreciate your prayers. Colton is married and living in Michigan.
Kirk and Yolanda says
Thanks, Mark. Sure appreciate your prayers!
Mark Knowlton says
Glad that you are safe, several of our missionary friends have been ‘trapped’ here instead of in their field of service due to insurrection or persecution, we pray for your progresses nonetheless. Still praying for ‘The Team’
Josephquino says
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Ype and Judie Salverda says
Hi Kirk and Yolanda
WE hope and pray that you can do Church planting and translation work here in the USA. In our prayer time we pray for the missionaries where we have card-pictures from, Last night we prayed for Colton Rodgers. On the card he was studying at the New Tribe Bible Institute. I don’t know how long ago, but we know that thing have changed for him. We wish him our blessing. Keep save from the Virus an God Bless you all.
Ype and Judie Salverda
Danae Engelbrecht says
Thanks for the good update, Kirk and Yolanda! I love the pics, especially of the Landuma church! God is faithful to bring willing hearts to himself. Thanks for being his vessels in Kimiya. Yes, we all make our plans, but the Lord often changes them to his Master Plan! In the case of this Covid-19 virus, this has been the case for the whole world! Hopefully, a wake-up call for many to realize how little control they have over their own lives, and how they need to “get right” with God asap! I pray that many more will realize their need and come to faith in Christ. Blessings to you and your family while you’re in the US, and prayers for a safe and speedy return!