Greetings from central Florida!
We trust this finds each of you encouraged and rejoicing in the Lord. Thanks to each of you who are praying for us as we adjust to life here.
What exciting days we are living in; so many are re-defining “truth” as something fluid that changes with time and circumstances. What a privilege to serve an unchanging God! “Malachi 3:6 For I am the LORD, I change not!”
Over last week we’ve been able to share the gospel with several people. No one has shown offense to what we’ve shared, but they are not open to the truth. One of those we shared with was an auto finance manager who agreed that he was taking a gamble in not considering his eternal destiny.
Speaking of autos – we finally chose a car to drive! We looked at a lot of cars and it was a really hard decision and we’re glad that’s behind us. We found out that this is NOT a good time to buy a car!
Justin and Nicole, with their precious children, head back to central New York on the 18th. It has truly been a blessing from God that we’ve had this great time together. Praise the Lord with us that their support is up to 78%. You can keep up with their ministry on FaceBook
Three weeks ago we flew to Missouri to attend the NTM Enrichment conference. We were blessed with a time of encouragement around the Word of God and meeting up with friends and making some new ones.
Please pray for us as we work on a video presentation and then start work on translating. We’ve ordered an external monitor, printer and external hard drive as part of those things we’ll need in the work we’ll be doing.
Pictured here is an old picture of Bayhon whom we’ve mentioned in previous updates. We ask that you continue to pray for him. His illness continues to worsen and he still has not trusted Christ as his Savior; how sad for someone who has had so many opportunities.
Thanks again to all of you who partner with us in the ministry to and with the Higaunon church.
Secure in Christ’s love,
Lance & Laura
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