Translation: Another annual trip to the Philippines to work on checking scripture is coming to a close. This is the 6th year we’ve returned to our village to check the translation Lance worked on while at home in the US. Between our return to the US in May of 2017 and our return to the Philippines this past April, Lance worked on the rough draft of 1 and 2 Chronicles. He worked with his translation assistant over these past months doing an initial checking of the language and content of these two books. We praise the Lord for allowing us to have a part in getting this much accomplished. We’re scheduled to leave the village this coming Thursday as we head back to the US and our home in Oklahoma.
This picture is from circa 1989 – the first inter-tribal believers gathering between the two language groups.
Visitors: Since our last update, the Higaunon church had a visit from the Banwaon church. These two churches of similar language have visited each other several times over the years. The first visit was ‘88/’89. The Banwaon church’s main purpose in this visit was more than just fellowship. They wanted some input from the Higaunon church on some different issues regarding church planting. Sixty seven (yes, that number is correct) came on this visit. They had a great time of learning together and fellowship. They started at 8am and met throughout the days they were here not stopping until the early hours of the morning. It was a very profitable time!
Our next trip: As we plan our next trip back to the Philippines, we are considering a couple of things; one of those things is another SYIS workshop. We are in touch with a couple of organizations who really want their members to go through the workshop. On our way through Manila next week, we’ll be visiting a couple of venues and so far, dates for our next workshop are all but confirmed for April 28-May 3. Please pray!
Travel plans: Our arrival in the US is scheduled for August 23. We have a road trip scheduled for the end of September into the third week of October. We’ll have meetings scheduled in Alabama, Florida, and North Carolina and of course we’ll see people and places in between.
Thank you: Thank you for your financial support and for praying for us and the Higaunon church. We cannot do what we do without you.
Secure in Christ’s love,
Lance & Laura
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