Delight yourself also in the Lord, and He shall give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the Lord, trust also in Him, and He shall bring it to pass. Psalm 37:4-5 (NKJV)
Travel: Where did the month of June go?! Well, for us it meant a lot of travel. Thank you for praying for safety over all those miles. We had a great time at our organization’s biennial conference. It was wonderful to fellowship with many of our coworkers that we hadn’t seen in years, to hear testimonies of God’s work in and through their lives with the different people groups throughout the country, and have encouraging times in the Word of God.
Adoption: A few days after our conference we were on our way to Guangzhou, China, to meet up with our daughter and family. There is a lot we could say about our trip and how we saw God’s faithfulness but suffice it to say that we had a lot of fun meeting David, our new five year old grandson, and making memories with the other three grandchildren. This is something we had been praying about for almost a year. We praise the Lord for giving us the desire of our hearts, spending this time with family and meeting David.
Back to work: We returned to the Philippines and to the island we call “home” where we did our supply buying and now we are back in the village.
Praise the Lord with us that our coworkers, Ron & Michelle Jennings, have returned from their home assignment. We expect them back in the village next week, the Lord willing!
Thank you: Lance is working again on initial draft of 2 Chronicles translation. Thank you for your prayers and partnership financially with us in the ministry to the Higaunon people.
[…] A sequence of events: Have you ever had one of those days where the sequence of events culminated in one of those God appointments? We shared one with you in January and now we have another one for you.I (Lance) hadn’t seen a chiropractor in over two years and decided to finally make a long overdo appointment for Friday afternoon. I got back to the house at 4:40 and didn’t think it worth going back to work so we decided to go walk in the park. We hadn’t been there in quite a while and normally wouldn’t have gone at that hour.Off we went! It was a beautiful evening! The park (the above photo) has a lake with a 1.25 mile paved pathway. We normally walk counter-clockwise but this time we decided to go clockwise. About a quarter of the way around we came upon a young couple and their dog. The dog was very excited to see people so we stopped and made a fuss over her. Then we began to talk with the couple. They had been married a year and a half and are interested in adopting (we had our adoption t-shirts on). […]